Header Variations

Go to your administrator >> templates >> Edit your style. Click on Template Options >> Header menu on left sidebar. You will see Header Configuration. Here you can set your preferences for the template header (Logo, Menu and Menu Elements).

Header Mode

​There are 3 header modes which are Horizontal, Stacked, and Sidebar.

Horizontal Menu Mode

When you select Horizontal mode then Horizontal Menu mode will appear with 3 options (Left, Center and Right)

Horizontal Menu Left

Select Left option will display header as image below:

Horizontal Menu Right

Select Right option will display header as image below:

Stack Menu Mode

When you select Stacked mode then Stacked Menu mode will appear with 3 options (Stack Center, Stack Separated and Stacked Divided)

Stacked Center

Select Stacked Center option will display header as image below:

Stacked Separated

Select Stacked Separated option will display header as image below:

Stacked Divided

Select Stacked Divided option will display header as image below:

There are 2 types of sidebar headers: left sidebar and right sidebar

Here you can select the type of the Sticky Header for desktop view, tablet view and mobile view.

Last updated