
Create Joomla articles for Events

Firstly, you need to create articles for Events.

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Articles > Create new articles

  • Assign them to your event category

  • Go to the tab "Article Type Options" > Select an Article Type > Regular / Video / Gallery / Audio / Review / Quote.

Create the event information

  • After that, please go to the tab "Event Options", you'll see the event's options

  • Enter the information of the event including Location, Phone, Guest Number, Call-To-Action text, URL, Latitude & Longitude

  • Set the start time and end time for the event

The Call-To-Action button is only visible when you set the start time after the current time. Ex: Current time: Sep 17th, 2021 -> the start time should be later than Sep 17th, 2021

Show the map

  • In the tab "Event Options", you're able to enter both the Latitude and Longitude of the map

  • Go to Admin > Extensions > Templates > Styles > ex: tz_golden heart- Default > Article / Blog > Enable Event Data

  • Then you can configure options for the map: Add Google API key, Map type, Map Zoom, Map height ...

Add a new menu item

This step is to add a new menu item for the Events page so that it can display properly in the main menu

  • Go to Admin > Menus > Main menu > Add new

  • Menu item type: Articles > Category Blog

  • Select your event category

  • Template style: tz_golden hearts - Default

Last updated