
1. Create new articles

  • Please go to admin > Content > Articles > Add new

  • Create your articles for a travel topic

  • Assign your articles to the category "Travel"

2. Create menu item "Travel"

  • Go to Admin > Menus > Main menu > Add new

  • Menu item type: Articles » Category Blog

  • Choose a category: choose the Travel category

  • Template style: tz_newspaper - Default

3. Configure blog layout

Navigate to the tab "Blog Layout", you'll be able to configure options including Leading articles, Intro Article, columns, article order, and others.

  • Leading articles: the number of featured articles placed on the top of the page

  • Intro Articles: the number of articles will be displayed on the page

  • Columns: the number of columns in which articles will be shown

4. Create module "Travel - Latest Posts"

  • Please go to System > Manage > Site Module > Add New

  • Module type: SP Page Builder

  • Create a new section and add the Jollyany addon "UI Articles"

  • Configure UI Articles add-on, you're supposed to choose a resource (Joomla articles), choose a category (Travel) and set the limit option (the number of articles you want to display)

5. Set up mega menu

Navigate to the tab "Astroid Menu Options",

  • Enable Mega Menu

  • Set width: 980px

  • Drop-down: Container

In the mega menu options, click to add a new row > Select a grid layout > Select a module

In our demo, the mega menu of Travel menu item was used with the module: Travel - Latest Posts

Last updated