Sidebar Modules

1. Follow Us

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Site Module > Add new

  • Module type: SP Page Builder

  • Module position: sidebar-right

  • Add a new section and use a Jollyany addon: UI Social

2. Banner 336 x 280

Create your banners:

  • Firstly, go to admin > component > banners > category > create banner category

  • Move to banner section > add new banner and assign it to a specific category

Create a banner module:

  • Secondly, please go to Admin > Content > Site Module > Add new

  • Module type: Banners

  • Module position: sidebar-right

  • Select banner categories and set the Count option (the number of banners you want to display)

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Site Module > Add new

  • Module type: SP Page Builder

  • Module position: sidebar-right

  • Add a new section and use a Jollyany addon: UI Articles

  • Choose resource: Joomla articles

  • Select categories from your Joomla categories

  • Set limit the number of articles you want to display

4. The Magazine

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Site Module > Add new

  • Module type: SP Page Builder

  • Module position: sidebar-right

  • Add a new section and use the addon: Image overlay

5. Categories

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Site Module > Add new

  • Module type: SP Page Builder

  • Module position: sidebar-right

  • Add a new section and use the addon: UI Info Box

  • Using this add-on, you can add new items which allow you to enter the item's title, image, link, and even configure the number of columns on desktops, and mobile devices

All the sidebar modules mentioned above share the same position "sidebar-right". If you want them to be on the left side, just assign them to the position "sidebar-left".

Last updated