Layout Builder

This section covers the basics of layout configuration in Jollyany and other templates powered by Astroid Framework.

Here are some great features in Astroid Framework's Layout Builder:

  • Easy-to-build drag & drop process: Creating a template layout from scratch just by dragging & dropping items into your layout, with incredible speed and performance.

  • Painless customization: Thanks to the intuitive user interface, you can easily customize the existing layout.

  • Flexible module position creation: Never have to wonder which files and codes are needed to add a new module position in your layout, as you can do this directly in the framework's intuitive user interface.

  • Powerful backup & restore: Your layout can be backup and restore with just one click.

  • Highly responsive: Fully responsive with Bootstrap 4 support. The layout builder also offers editing mode in tablet and mobile devices.

  • Easy to learn: There is no learning curve. What you see in the layout builder is what you get on the front-end view.

Element Settings

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