
The tour data on this template should be created with TZ Portfolio+ component, so please make sure the latest version of this component is installed on your website.

Create Tours with TZ Portfolio+ Component

Please go to Admin > Components > TZ Portfolio+ > Articles > Add a new article.

In the Image tab, you can upload the featured thumbnail image of the tour.

To create this image slide, you should install the Gallery Content addon of TZ Portolio+ Component.

Click "Open the file Browser" to upload images from your computer. And wait until all the images are loaded successfully to finish.

Tour Video

You should create this video section with the Video Content addon of TZ Portfolio+ extension. So please make sure you have it installed.

This video addon supports YouTube or Vimeo videos, you need to copy and paste the video's url into the field.

Tour Plan

The tour plan section is created thanks to the built-in Accordion addon of TZ Portfolio+ extension. When creating or editing a new article, you can configure the content of tour plans in the tab Accordion.

Click the + icon to add new accordion items and input content (Title and description).

And click - icon to remove the item.

Tour Booking Form

The tour booking form is based on the Form Builder addon of TZ Portfolio+ extension. So you should go to Admin > Components > Addons > Click on Install/Update > Navigate the Form Builder and install it.

In the tab "Form Builder", You can configure the below options on the first half options.

  • Email & Recipient Options:

  • Success & Error Message Options:

  • Redirect, Security & Policy Options:

  • Button Options:

This is the time to create the form's fields. Click on + icon to add new items.

  • Field type: Choose a field type from the drop-down list

  • Field label: Enter the field label

  • Field place hover: Enter the field's placeholder text

  • Field required: Decide if the field should be compulsory or not

  • Column large: Set the column width of the field on large devices

  • Column medium: Set the column width of the field on medium devices

  • Column small: Set the column width of the field on small devices

  • Column Xsmall: Set the column width of the field on mobile devices

Last updated