Home Page 1

1. Breaking News

This section was built with UK Heading and UK Articles. You should go to Sp Page Builder > Pages > edit your page.

Breaking news title

  • Editing the UK Heading, and entering the heading title

  • Decoration: Choose a type of decoration (bullet, divider, line or none)

  • Decoration color: Choose a decoration color

  • Decoration width: Set the decoration width

  • Breaking news articles

Edit the UK Articles and configure options. You can choose the classic layout, hide or show thumbnails, enable articles as sliders, and configure the number of columns on different devices.

To edit the background color of the breaking news section, you should open the Row Options > Style tab > edit the background color.

This section was built with UK Heading and UK Articles.

  • Featured News Heading

Edit the UK Heading and enter a heading title. Choose a decoration type and decoration color.

  • Featured News Articles

Select categories, tags, and post types. If you want to display featured articles, select the ordering with featured only.

Last updated