Gallery Slider

The page is built with SP Page Builder, so please make sure this component has been already installed.

  • Go to Admin > Components > SP Page builder > Pages > Add new

  • Click to add a new row > add new addons > A list of add-ons appears > open the tab "Jollyany" on the left, you'll see all Jollyany addons

  • This page is used with the following addons: UK Text, and UK Slider. Look for these 2 addons in the list and add them to the page and start configurations.

UK Text: edit the addon, enter a title and add its content, as well as configure other options

UK Slider: edit the addon, click "Add item", with each item, you can upload an image, give it a title, link, and so on.

2. Add a new menu item

This step is to add a new menu item for the page "Gallery Slider" so that it can display properly in the main menu

  • Go to Admin > Menus > Main menu > Add new

  • Menu item type: SP Page Builder > Pages

  • Select page: Gallery Slider

  • Template style: tz_alex - default

Last updated