Home page

Load the preset of home page style

If you install the template manually with the template package only, I suggest that you should load prebuilt presets of the template first.

Please go to Admin > system > site template styles > Duplicate the tz_todaynews - Default, and rename it ex: tz_todaynews - Home Page

Open tz_todaynews - Home Page > Preset Profile tab > click to load the preset of the style you're interested in.

  • Home 1: Load preset of the Home Page style

  • Home 2: Load preset of the Horizontal Header

  • Home 3: Load preset of the Divided Header

  • Home 4: load preset of the Stacked Center Header

  • Home 5: Load preset of the Center Separated Header

Create the home page content

We suggest that you should create the content of the home page with SP Page Builder. Please go to Admin > Components > SP Page Builder > Pages > Create a new page

  • You can import the .json files exported from our demo or build your own content by using add-ons available.

Edit the template layout

To change the layout type, pls go to template options > Basic > Layout Settings > Configure the Site layout (Wide or Boxed)

Change the background image and adjust the theme width

Subscribe Menu Module

Enable or disable menu module

Please go to Template options > Extensions > Menu Module. Here you can enable or disable the menu module

Select a menu which is created in the Menus

Last updated