
The product page showcases your portfolios of construction machines with a lot of additional information. It's built with TZ Portfolio+ component, so make sure you have already installed it.

Install required addons

Besides the image addon, you're supposed to install some other addons of TZ Portfolio+: Video Content, and Leader Price.

Create your products

Please go to Admin > Components > TZ Portfolio+ > Articles > Add new

You should add the product's description, and upload the product image in the Image or image gallery tab and add a video url to the video content.

Call-to-action button "Get A Quote"

On the right sidebar, you can see "Project Link Information", just enter the project link and project link title.

Configure the detailed product layout

To edit the layout of a detailed product, you should go to TZ Portfolio+ > Layouts > Edit your layout > Manage elements in the layout.

Display or remove the author's info

Pls go to Admin > TZ Portfolio+ > Category > Edit your category > Article View Options > Turn off the "Author" option.

Or you can go to the Layouts section > edit your layout > delete the Author row.

Last updated