Demo Content Install

Jollyany supports Install Demo Content data in 1-Click. You need to activate your license to use this feature. If you haven't purchased Jollyany, click here to buy a license and activate the template.

  1. Go to Administrator >> Extensions >> Templates >> Style >> Select one of Jollyany templates (ex: tz_jollyany - Default)

  2. Click Template Options >> Dashboard Tab

Click on the button "Activate Product" and finish all activation steps After having activated your product you will see your license information below:

Install/Update Template & Required Extensions

Scroll to "Demo Content Install" tab. Find a template you would like to install demo and click "Install Package". This will auto-install the template package and required extensions for your chosen package. If the extension exists, it will be updated to the latest version.

Import site demo content data

Check to import site demo content data will install quickstart package like our demo. All images are placeholder. Quickstart package is a fully functional Joomla! package containing the CMS itself, the database, the selected template and all extensions used in the template.

Once you install the quickstart successfully, you will have a complete website that looks exactly the same as our demo, with all the configurations and data that we used on the demo site in one place.


  • Commercial extensions are not included in a quickstart package, even if you have purchased them. After installing a quickstart package, install these extensions and run sample data installation to get the full demo to look for these extensions.

  • In some cases, you will need to update your Joomla version after installing the quickstart package.

  • We use Akeeba Backup component to archive the quickstart package, So you will be redirected to Akeeba Backup interface to install quickstart.

Step1: Start the quickstart installation process

Click to Install Package button to download quickstart. After the download process finishes, you will be redirected to Quickstart install page. Check all the fields below as required. Once you have completed all the fields, click NEXT to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Enter your database configuration information

On this page, please enter the correct database info that you created for this Joomla. Jollyany copies database information of current site to this page. If you use original database of your current site, you can ignore this configuration and click "Next"

Once you have filled in all the info, click NEXT to continue. If all the information is correct, the demo database will be installed.

Step 3: Input your site information

Fill in all the fields below as required. Once you have completed all the fields, click NEXT to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Finalize the installation process

The congratulation message will appear when the package is fully installed. On this screen, you will be prompted to remove Joomla installation.

Click on Remove the installation directory to perform this action.

After that, you can check how the website looks by clicking on "Visit your site's front-end" button.

Last updated