
The page is created to showcase your projects relating to interior design, building architecture or decor works. The demo page was created with TZ Portfolio+ component, so make sure you have already installed it.

Install required addons

There are some add-ons of TZ Portfolio+ extension you need to install before creating articles. They are Gallery Content and Video Content. Besides that, you can install Media add-ons you're interested in such as Image gallery, Grid gallery, Flipbook gallery, Video ...

Create Project Articles

Please go to Admin > Components > TZ Portfolio+ > Articles > Add new

You should select a media type, and add media images in the corresponding tab. Then add the project's description, and set up the gallery content and video content.

Project's Extra Field

  • Firstly, go to TZ Portfolio+ > Field Group > create a new field group

  • Go to Fields > create new extra fields and assign them to the field group above

  • Edit your articles > select a field group (or you can assign the field group to categories)

  • In the Fields tab, enter the content of each field

Call-to-action button "Request A Quote"

By editing each article, you'll see "Project Link Information" on the right side, just enter the button's title and link here.

Single Project Layout

Please go to TZ Portfolio+ > Styles > Install "Maya style", then go to the Layout section > edit Maya - Default layout

To display related articles in detailed project pages, please edit TZ Portfolio+ categories > Article View Options > Related Articles > enable "Show Related Article"

Select an option to show related articles by tags or categories

Last updated