
The product page showcases your portfolios of premium agriculture products with a lot of additional information. It was built with TZ Portfolio+ component, so make sure you have already installed it.

Install required addons

Besides the image addon, you're supposed to install some other addons of TZ Portfolio+: Gallery Content, and Video Content.

Create your products

Please go to Admin > Components > TZ Portfolio+ > Articles > Add new

You should add the product's description, and add images in the gallery content or video url in the video content.

Product's extra fields

Create extra fields

You should go to TZ Portfolio+ > Field group > Create a new field group, and assign it to product categories. And go to the Field section > create new fields: Materials, Manufacturer, Model Number ... After that, you can edit the field's content in each TZ Portfolio+ article.

Display Extra fields in the portfolio view

To display or hide extra fields in the portfolio view, please edit each extra field > enable or disable the option "List View"

Create the call-to-action button "Make An Office Price"

By editing the portfolio article, you will see "Project Link Information" tab on the right side, enter a project link and project link title.

Edit Product Layout

To edit the product layout, please go to TZ Portfolio+ > Layout > edit Elegant - Default. Here you're able to manage/edit the layout as you want by drag & drop.

If you don't want something displaying on the detailed product page, you can remove the corresponding element from the layout.

Create a product menu

  • Go to Admin > Menus > Main menu > Add new

  • Menu item type: TZ Portfolio Plus > Portfolio

  • Choose a category: Choose your portfolio categories

  • Choose a TZ Portfolio Plus Layout or use the default

  • Template style: tz_medil - Default

Last updated