
1. Create blog data

  • Please go to Admin > Content > Articles > Add new

  • Create your blog articles

  • Assign your articles to a "Blog" category

2. Create menu item "Blog"

  • Go to Admin > Menus > Main menu > Add new

  • Menu item type: Articles » Category Blog

  • Choose a category: Choose a category

  • Template style: tz_agruco - Default

2.1. Configure blog layout

In the tab "Blog Layout", you'll be able to configure options including Leading articles, Intro articles, columns, article order, and others.

  • Leading articles: the number of the chief articles displayed on the blog page

  • Intro Articles: the number of articles will be displayed on the page

  • #Columns: the number of columns in which articles will be shown

2.2. Configure Blog Options

​In the tab "Blog Options", you'll be able to adjust the image position of the lead article, and intro articles. If you choose "Left" or "Right", you can also configure the image width options on different devices.

2.3. Additional Options

In the tab "Options", you can configure additional options for showing or hiding the article's title, linked titles, published date, read more button, tag, author ...

Last updated